Tuesday, April 9, 2013

H is 3

Instead of trying to catch up with everything that has happened in the last 6 months, I"m just moving on like nothing worth blogging about has happened.
Big news is Harrison is 3.  Not sure how that happened...I do remember while pregnant with him thinking that if I can just make it until he/she is 3 then I'm home free.  I'm thinking sleeping mostly but also diapers and all things baby.  I actually turned to Eric last night and said "I think we're pretty much done with strollers" and then of course broke down sobbing..."I think we're pretty much done with strollers!!!!!"
We did celebrate the big 3, first with a friend party (translation:  I had my friends over for some food and drinks and they happened to bring their children who were around H's age), and then with the family.
Those who know me know that the friend party was a big deal mostly because I don't like having people at my house.  This was a big step for me...

I made it fancy with decorations and train cookies and, as usual,

 H hung out my himself in the family room as all his "friends" tore up the basement.

Then we picked up the "Tommy" cake for the family party.

As usual, he was over indulged with gifts and 

The piece de resistance:  a Thomas tent.

Where he spent the next hour doing this:

Some things you should know about Harrison at age 3

He loves all things trains and dinosaurs
He continues to take 3 hour naps on average and we usually have to wake him up
He likes Barney and Caillou
He is an iPad hog
He calls himself "Harriken"
Calls Mcdonalds "Old Mcdonalds"
weighs 27 lbs and is 36 inches tall

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Just another day birthing babies

My favorite exchange at work in awhile:

Me: "hey Doc, you have some blood on your butt"
Doc (who also happened to be the one to save my life a couple years back):  "Can I ask you a favor?"
Me: "No, I'm NOT getting that blood off your butt"
Doc: "can you get me some new scrubs?"
me: "yeah, that's probably a better solution"

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Found her!

I'm so lucky!  I was the one who found Dice.  I KNOW, you are so jealous.
Here is how it all came down:

I was trying to be domestic and get the house in order (see posts from previous months) so I was having a great laundry day.  That means:  I actually DID the laundry (one load anyway), and probably folded it and maybe even put it away.  Opened Coop's closet to throw his jeans in there (hey, he does it so why shouldn't I?!) and noticed something moving.

There may or may not have been some swearing and/or freaking out.  There also may have been a change of underwear in order, and a paper bag, and a cardiac monitor.

Now really, I don't mind the snake, WHEN SHE'S IN HER CAGE, but this escaping stuff I can do without.  I truly thought I would never see her again.  We hadn't even told Syd she was gone yet (see, even SHE doesn't know if the snake has been around for 2 weeks, 2 WEEKS people!!)

I promptly slammed the door, shoved multiple pieces of clothing under the door and decided that even THAT wasn't enough, so I pushed some heavy books and game boxes up against the clothing.  I was not having that escaping stuff again, but I also was not going to rescue her.

30 minutes later, the big kids got off the bus and I told Syd that Dice had escaped but LUCKILY I had just found her and would she like to help me get her back in her cage?!  Of course she did.
Just in case you were wondering, these are the items needed to catch a snake (in a closet, in a house, that is non-venomous):
1.  a box
2.  a mouse

Except, of course, it wasn't that easy.  There was 5 minutes of pulling all the clothing out of the bottom of the closet one by one, Cooper yelling that we needed to call dad RIGHT NOW and tell him to come home, then a little coaxing, "Dice, it's me, Sydney.  I'm your friend remember?", then a bite with a drop of blood, BIG tears, "mom, why did she do that to me!?" and finally, victory!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Oh Shit

Good things about having a snake for a pet:
1. They are contained
2.  They mostly hide all day
3.  They are quiet
4.  You only need to feed them about every 1-2 weeks

Bad things about having a snake for a pet:
1.  When they escape
2.  Because of #2,3 and 4 above, we have really no idea how long its been since the snake has disappeared

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


My niece and nephew came to visit from Scotland, oh and their parents, too.
Such fun memories.  Harrison and Thomas are very close in age though they don't really play together and one has diarrhea of the mouth while the other just points and says "gaaaah" (I'll leave to your imaginations on which is which).

First my Mairi girl.  I want to eat her.  I tried to nurse her but she was having none of it, wonder why?!!

Then, great grandma and Harrison

Love these pictures of the boys playing

One of my favorites is of Coop holding Mairi.

Couch picture:
I miss them so much!

Updates on my goals

Continuing to read a lot of blogs and books ABOUT the subject and occasionally actually doing something about it.  Much better than in years past but I find my problem is in the upkeep.  I did a great job on the pantry and then a month later, it looks like shit again.  Hold on, need to read more about keeping it up....haha

I have hired someone to come in to help me with the family room.  It is such a blank slate right now and I'm tired of the hunting pictures on the wall.  It was fine when we first moved in (5 YEARS AGO) but now, I'm over them.  It doesn't make me want to be in there.  Also, Eric doesn't really know about this plan and the fact that I've hired someone.  Most times, its just better that way.  He has such stupid  strong opinions sometimes, its just best to leave him out of the loop.  I also have hired someone to come help me with the laundry room.  I will show before and afters soon.  He's coming tomorrow to install counters!!
The electricians finally came and installed the can lights and pendants in the kitchen.  It looks like a new room.  I love it!

ummm, yeah.  I am occasionally doing 10 minute trainer.  What is my problem that I can't find time for 10 minutes?! I've cut down on my Pepsi intake.  I'm into diet Dr. Pepper instead.  Better?  Prolly not.
2 motivating factors happened this week:  I stepped on the scale at mom and dad's house (I don't own one) and I can't fit into any of my spring pants.  I am super annoyed!  I did take "before" pictures of myself.  I don't really know why, there doesn't really seem to be much of a plan for the after.

Chore charts:
still nothing

Meal planning:
I have actually made several meals over the last couple weeks, some of which the kids even ate.  I even wrote out an entire week's plan for this week, grocery list and all.  I've made exactly zero meals yet from it.  Tomorrow is Wednesday, people.  I'm failing.  I can say that making the plan is the first step so, there's that.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Break

We never go on SB.  This year, we got a great deal so off to the beach we went.  13 hours (not straight, dear Lord, are you nuts?!) with three children,( one just-turned-2-year-old) and a plastic garbage bag of Easter delights.

So far my favorite memories are:

Harrison at first running AWAY from the water and waves and eventually running into them.  And it was freeze-your-ass cold.

Convincing Cooper that a "mark" that he got on his foot after he noticed a bug landing on it, was actually a serious "tinger" bite.  (this after he shot me down on the bug being a "shamalang ding dong" bug).  Even though it didn't hurt now, he was in danger of his foot falling off after he fell asleep tonight.  The only way to remedy that was to pee on his foot exactly 2 hours after he got bit.  After he asked Eric, "do you really think that's true?" he replied, "I don't know but why take that chance?", he marched into MY shower (of course) and peed on his foot.  I almost peed my pants watching the whole thing.

The smell of the kids after a full day in the hot tub!