Saturday, December 19, 2009

telling the kids

Forgot to write that I told the kids about the baby 2 weeks ago. It was all very humerous! LOTS of questions from Coop including, "how did the doctor know it was in there?", "how did YOU know it was in there?" and most importantly "does daddy know?"
Sydney seems more intent in what we should name it...Pumpkin for a girl and Bowser for a boy (thanks to Mariocart for that one). Coop asked me yesterday if it was a boy if we could name it Jesus...strange since we hardly ever go to church, it must be the season. He also likes to pat my tummy and say in this high-pitched voice "hi baby, I'm your big brother". It's cute but I'm sure the kid is thinking "that doesn't really sound like a boy". Sydney likes to lift my shirt in places that that is not appropriate, mainly the middle of Target and at preschool drop-off. She also likes to give my tummy raspberries. I have no idea what the kid thinks of that!

Cooper is very concerned that we need to hurry up and buy diapers. I'm in no hurry at all to go down that road again.

the little things

I am feeling lots of kicking and movement and it makes me sad that this will be my last baby. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm done and more to the point, Eric will divorce me if there is another, but at the same time I find myself thinking "this is the last time I'll be 19 weeks pregnant..."etc. Of course when I was saying "this is the last time I"ll be 10 weeks pregnant and puking and feeling like shit" I was much more relieved.

Personally I think I'm further along than I really am and I have 3 valid reasons for thinking it; a. pregnancy test positive before even missing a period, b. feeling movment waaay too early, like 13-14 weeks and c. measuring about 4 weeks ahead. My midwife agrees. So until I get an ultrasound in January, I won't know for sure if I'm 20 weeks today or 24, like I think I am. All of this is to say, it doesn't really matter but I'll be done sooner and able to meet this little one. My new nephew is making me so excited. Everytime I look at his pictures, I feel as if I could lactate.