Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Did you hear...I'm going away on a trip, all by myself, for 10 days to London!!! and Scotland!!! to visit  a newborn baby!!!! and just generally do nothing!!!!!!!


I'm sure you heard because I've been talking about it nonstop since I booked the tickets, no,  probably before that even, possibly when it was still a nice dream that I had about doing those things.

I'm not going to worry about organizing or cleaning anything (except cute baby butts) or eating right.  I'm just NOT.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Mama bear

I had the kind of moment today that made my heart drop and eyes tear up and anger surge all at the same time.  My oldest boy, my sensitive, first-born, made-me-a-mom child told me his teacher yells at him all the time.
Is this the same teacher that told me he was "a joy" to have in class, that she never has to worry about him, that he is so kind and helpful and in the highest reading group?

Is my child lying?

It started with me looking at his behavior chart for the week at school.  On Friday, he "got on yellow" for excessive talking and not following directions.  When I asked him about it, he immediately started crying and saying "it's not my fault, Mrs ___always yells at me, I wasn't doing anything wrong, I wish she weren't my teacher."
Deep breath
Lecture about how we can't like everyone all the time and there are good and bad teachers who have good and bad days, just like us.  In my head, my claws are out...
Talking about being an advocate and what that word means and how I will ALWAYS be his advocate and I will talk to his teacher on Monday.  Coop replied "Can you do it before then because  she will yell at me again before you talk to her?"
I want to cry and scream and spray paint mean things on her house and bite her for being mean to my baby.

Instead, I gather him in my arms and tell him I love him, that I will fix it for him, that he can always come to me for help or just to talk.
But CAN I fix it?

When you first look into your newborn's eyes, you know you will do anything to protect them.  And now it begins.  I can teach him to be nice, how to read, how to play baseball, how to do multiplication, but I cannot protect him from all the bad things that he will experience.  It is a terrible feeling.