Sunday, April 12, 2009

Candy Girl

Poor Syd, she is so deprived. Her most recent quote is "I didn't have any _____ today". It started with vitamins. When I would get my vitamins out in the morning, the shaking of the bottle would remind her that she hadn't had hers yet "I didn't have any vitamins today". Of course, she not QUITE correct on her today vs yesterday vs 2 minutes ago time frame. Because, if I shake the bottle again, she will look right at me and say "I didn't have my viatmin today" WHILE SHE IS CHEWING THE ONE I JUST GAVE HER. Ok you get the point.

She also has a problem with candy, as in, I'm pretty sure she's addicted to the stuff. She will hide behind a chair and unwrap a piece of candy that she found and quickly eat it before someone finds out. She hasn't, however, figured out that she needs to throw the wrappers away. She's not that stealth yet. Which reminds me of the story of how I brought home an advent calendar, the kind that everyday you open a door. After she figured out there was chocolate behind every door, I found her under the piano opening and eating EVERY door for the entire month. Sorry Jesus!

Which brings me to Easter...Syd got up around 6:30 and I convinced her to stay in bed another half hour just with the threat of the Easter bunny possibly still being here. Finally she got up, found her basket and started stuffing in the candy. I tried a new strategy today...just let her have as much as she wants and when she's done, THEN take it away and dole it out 1 piece at a time, as we usually do. So she eats for awhile and when she's done I take it away.
Half hour later...I shit you not: "I didn't have any candy today"

I attribute it to the candy coma she must have been in because surely she is not that dumb.

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