Tuesday, April 9, 2013

H is 3

Instead of trying to catch up with everything that has happened in the last 6 months, I"m just moving on like nothing worth blogging about has happened.
Big news is Harrison is 3.  Not sure how that happened...I do remember while pregnant with him thinking that if I can just make it until he/she is 3 then I'm home free.  I'm thinking sleeping mostly but also diapers and all things baby.  I actually turned to Eric last night and said "I think we're pretty much done with strollers" and then of course broke down sobbing..."I think we're pretty much done with strollers!!!!!"
We did celebrate the big 3, first with a friend party (translation:  I had my friends over for some food and drinks and they happened to bring their children who were around H's age), and then with the family.
Those who know me know that the friend party was a big deal mostly because I don't like having people at my house.  This was a big step for me...

I made it fancy with decorations and train cookies and, as usual,

 H hung out my himself in the family room as all his "friends" tore up the basement.

Then we picked up the "Tommy" cake for the family party.

As usual, he was over indulged with gifts and 

The piece de resistance:  a Thomas tent.

Where he spent the next hour doing this:

Some things you should know about Harrison at age 3

He loves all things trains and dinosaurs
He continues to take 3 hour naps on average and we usually have to wake him up
He likes Barney and Caillou
He is an iPad hog
He calls himself "Harriken"
Calls Mcdonalds "Old Mcdonalds"
weighs 27 lbs and is 36 inches tall

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