Tuesday, May 12, 2009


so I believe that I should expose my kids to as many different opportunities and sports as possible so they can make the decision which one they really like. Apparently, soccer is not for Coop. Luckily, the season is only 5 weeks but MAN, those were 5 tremendously painful, long and grueling 5 weeks. I'm pretty sure he cried in every game. They had 7 games and only scored one goal TOTAL... one lowly goal for the entire season. I would be so frustrated but the funny thing is that they actually didn't seem to mind. When the ball DID come their way, they weren't quite sure what to do with it so they just kind of looked at it until the other team came and swooped it away.

I think my absolute favorite moment was when a player on Coop's team was put in to be goalie (they switch around) and as the ball came to him he did this thing with his fingers, like waving toward the ball...he was trying to put a spell on the ball or catch it with his Spiderman net I later found out. It was fricking hilarious. By the way, it didn't work.

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