Thursday, February 5, 2009


Today, we were late getting up and out of the house. Now this in itself is nothing new but my son gets dressed by himself and I just assume that he does it correctly, I mean, he does every other day. So, the routine is that I start the van and strap Syd in and go back in to yell at Coop to hurry up, we're going to be late AGAIN, why aren't your shoes on, I told you to put them on when you get dressed, etc, etc. I back out of the garage and he comes running out...and then has to go back in to get his hat and gloves and bag that he forgets EVERYDAY. Finally we're on our way at 8:52. It takes 14 minutes to get to school. We're going to be late, AGAIN. All this is normal.
Upon returning home I notice that he has his jeans on backwards...seriously! I asked "did you know your pants are on backwards?" to which he replies "Yeah, my teacher told me" WTF?!! "and mom, don't tell me again, it hurts my feelings". This, because I was on the floor laughing. Really.


Cspin said...

Hey Margie - I've been following IndyFashBash and the Maggie Chronicles and just noticed your link on Jennifer's blog. I'm assuming this is Marg. - based on the age you put on your profile (I can't imagine that Eileen would lie and say she is OLDER than she is)...and I remember someone telling me you were a L&D Nurse... Hope you are well! I, too, have a 5 year old boy and 3 year old girl.. it sounds like our kids have similar attitudes :) Heather McClarren Spinner

Cspin said...

Hey Margie - I've been following IndyFashBash and the Maggie Chronicles and just noticed your link on Jennifer's blog. I'm assuming this is Marg. - based on the age you put on your profile (I can't imagine that Eileen would lie and say she is OLDER than she is)...and I remember someone telling me you were a L&D Nurse... Hope you are well! I, too, have a 5 year old boy and 3 year old girl.. it sounds like our kids have similar attitudes :) Heather McClarren Spinner