Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sharing bag

So at preschool, they take turns bringing home the "sharing bag". Everyone gets a turn with it and it usually involves doing something like writing things you like to do with your family or providing pictures of said family or etc. I actually dread hearing those words "mommy, I got the sharing bag today"...especially since I have to act all excited and happy about running to the drugstore to print off a picture at midnight.

Sydney surprised me today. When I pick her up from school, the first thing she does(as usual), before we even leave the building, is to get into her bag and show me what she painted/drew/wrote/tried to pass off as a painting/drawing/writing, oh and also to show me the snack that she didn't eat.
Today, you guessed it, the sharing bag. "How wonderful" I said while actually thinking "great, I have 2 days to do whatever that tag says I have to do and I've got shit to do today and we're going out to dinner tonight and I'm working tomorrow, I hope its not too complicated or I may just have to be the first mom to send her kid to school without the sharing bag and try to make up some excuse as to why it didn't get done and hope she doesn't notice and start crying and trying to make me feel like an even worse mother"
The assignment was to find things in the shape of a square. Immediately, my mind starts running..."square, square, I can't think of ANYTHING in the shape of a square" . The panic starts...I throw it out there to the other moms hoping they'll throw me a bone. They come through "piece of bread, block".
As soon as we get home, Syd is off like a shot and within 1 minute she is back filling the bag with square things...square legos, square books, and a square box
Genius!! I only hope its the same during all those science fairs in her future.

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