My favorite exchange at work in awhile:
Me: "hey Doc, you have some blood on your butt"
Doc (who also happened to be the one to save my life a couple years back): "Can I ask you a favor?"
Me: "No, I'm NOT getting that blood off your butt"
Doc: "can you get me some new scrubs?"
me: "yeah, that's probably a better solution"
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Found her!
I'm so lucky! I was the one who found Dice. I KNOW, you are so jealous.
Here is how it all came down:
I was trying to be domestic and get the house in order (see posts from previous months) so I was having a great laundry day. That means: I actually DID the laundry (one load anyway), and probably folded it and maybe even put it away. Opened Coop's closet to throw his jeans in there (hey, he does it so why shouldn't I?!) and noticed something moving.
There may or may not have been some swearing and/or freaking out. There also may have been a change of underwear in order, and a paper bag, and a cardiac monitor.
Now really, I don't mind the snake, WHEN SHE'S IN HER CAGE, but this escaping stuff I can do without. I truly thought I would never see her again. We hadn't even told Syd she was gone yet (see, even SHE doesn't know if the snake has been around for 2 weeks, 2 WEEKS people!!)
I promptly slammed the door, shoved multiple pieces of clothing under the door and decided that even THAT wasn't enough, so I pushed some heavy books and game boxes up against the clothing. I was not having that escaping stuff again, but I also was not going to rescue her.
30 minutes later, the big kids got off the bus and I told Syd that Dice had escaped but LUCKILY I had just found her and would she like tohelp me get her back in her cage?! Of course she did.
Just in case you were wondering, these are the items needed to catch a snake (in a closet, in a house, that is non-venomous):
1. a box
2. a mouse
Except, of course, it wasn't that easy. There was 5 minutes of pulling all the clothing out of the bottom of the closet one by one, Cooper yelling that we needed to call dad RIGHT NOW and tell him to come home, then a little coaxing, "Dice, it's me, Sydney. I'm your friend remember?", then a bite with a drop of blood, BIG tears, "mom, why did she do that to me!?" and finally, victory!!
Here is how it all came down:
I was trying to be domestic and get the house in order (see posts from previous months) so I was having a great laundry day. That means: I actually DID the laundry (one load anyway), and probably folded it and maybe even put it away. Opened Coop's closet to throw his jeans in there (hey, he does it so why shouldn't I?!) and noticed something moving.
There may or may not have been some swearing and/or freaking out. There also may have been a change of underwear in order, and a paper bag, and a cardiac monitor.
Now really, I don't mind the snake, WHEN SHE'S IN HER CAGE, but this escaping stuff I can do without. I truly thought I would never see her again. We hadn't even told Syd she was gone yet (see, even SHE doesn't know if the snake has been around for 2 weeks, 2 WEEKS people!!)
I promptly slammed the door, shoved multiple pieces of clothing under the door and decided that even THAT wasn't enough, so I pushed some heavy books and game boxes up against the clothing. I was not having that escaping stuff again, but I also was not going to rescue her.
30 minutes later, the big kids got off the bus and I told Syd that Dice had escaped but LUCKILY I had just found her and would she like to
Just in case you were wondering, these are the items needed to catch a snake (in a closet, in a house, that is non-venomous):
1. a box
2. a mouse
Except, of course, it wasn't that easy. There was 5 minutes of pulling all the clothing out of the bottom of the closet one by one, Cooper yelling that we needed to call dad RIGHT NOW and tell him to come home, then a little coaxing, "Dice, it's me, Sydney. I'm your friend remember?", then a bite with a drop of blood, BIG tears, "mom, why did she do that to me!?" and finally, victory!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Oh Shit
Good things about having a snake for a pet:
1. They are contained
2. They mostly hide all day
3. They are quiet
4. You only need to feed them about every 1-2 weeks
Bad things about having a snake for a pet:
1. When they escape
2. Because of #2,3 and 4 above, we have really no idea how long its been since the snake has disappeared
1. They are contained
2. They mostly hide all day
3. They are quiet
4. You only need to feed them about every 1-2 weeks
Bad things about having a snake for a pet:
1. When they escape
2. Because of #2,3 and 4 above, we have really no idea how long its been since the snake has disappeared
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
My niece and nephew came to visit from Scotland, oh and their parents, too.
Such fun memories. Harrison and Thomas are very close in age though they don't really play together and one has diarrhea of the mouth while the other just points and says "gaaaah" (I'll leave to your imaginations on which is which).
First my Mairi girl. I want to eat her. I tried to nurse her but she was having none of it, wonder why?!!
Then, great grandma and Harrison
Love these pictures of the boys playing
One of my favorites is of Coop holding Mairi.
Couch picture:
I miss them so much!
Such fun memories. Harrison and Thomas are very close in age though they don't really play together and one has diarrhea of the mouth while the other just points and says "gaaaah" (I'll leave to your imaginations on which is which).
First my Mairi girl. I want to eat her. I tried to nurse her but she was having none of it, wonder why?!!
Then, great grandma and Harrison
Love these pictures of the boys playing
Couch picture:
I miss them so much!
Updates on my goals
Continuing to read a lot of blogs and books ABOUT the subject and occasionally actually doing something about it. Much better than in years past but I find my problem is in the upkeep. I did a great job on the pantry and then a month later, it looks like shit again. Hold on, need to read more about keeping it up....haha
I have hired someone to come in to help me with the family room. It is such a blank slate right now and I'm tired of the hunting pictures on the wall. It was fine when we first moved in (5 YEARS AGO) but now, I'm over them. It doesn't make me want to be in there. Also, Eric doesn't really know about this plan and the fact that I've hired someone. Most times, its just better that way. He has suchstupid strong opinions sometimes, its just best to leave him out of the loop. I also have hired someone to come help me with the laundry room. I will show before and afters soon. He's coming tomorrow to install counters!!
The electricians finally came and installed the can lights and pendants in the kitchen. It looks like a new room. I love it!
ummm, yeah. I am occasionally doing 10 minute trainer. What is my problem that I can't find time for 10 minutes?! I've cut down on my Pepsi intake. I'm into diet Dr. Pepper instead. Better? Prolly not.
2 motivating factors happened this week: I stepped on the scale at mom and dad's house (I don't own one) and I can't fit into any of my spring pants. I am super annoyed! I did take "before" pictures of myself. I don't really know why, there doesn't really seem to be much of a plan for the after.
Chore charts:
still nothing
Meal planning:
I have actually made several meals over the last couple weeks, some of which the kids even ate. I even wrote out an entire week's plan for this week, grocery list and all. I've made exactly zero meals yet from it. Tomorrow is Wednesday, people. I'm failing. I can say that making the plan is the first step so, there's that.
Continuing to read a lot of blogs and books ABOUT the subject and occasionally actually doing something about it. Much better than in years past but I find my problem is in the upkeep. I did a great job on the pantry and then a month later, it looks like shit again. Hold on, need to read more about keeping it up....haha
I have hired someone to come in to help me with the family room. It is such a blank slate right now and I'm tired of the hunting pictures on the wall. It was fine when we first moved in (5 YEARS AGO) but now, I'm over them. It doesn't make me want to be in there. Also, Eric doesn't really know about this plan and the fact that I've hired someone. Most times, its just better that way. He has such
The electricians finally came and installed the can lights and pendants in the kitchen. It looks like a new room. I love it!
ummm, yeah. I am occasionally doing 10 minute trainer. What is my problem that I can't find time for 10 minutes?! I've cut down on my Pepsi intake. I'm into diet Dr. Pepper instead. Better? Prolly not.
2 motivating factors happened this week: I stepped on the scale at mom and dad's house (I don't own one) and I can't fit into any of my spring pants. I am super annoyed! I did take "before" pictures of myself. I don't really know why, there doesn't really seem to be much of a plan for the after.
Chore charts:
still nothing
Meal planning:
I have actually made several meals over the last couple weeks, some of which the kids even ate. I even wrote out an entire week's plan for this week, grocery list and all. I've made exactly zero meals yet from it. Tomorrow is Wednesday, people. I'm failing. I can say that making the plan is the first step so, there's that.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Spring Break
We never go on SB. This year, we got a great deal so off to the beach we went. 13 hours (not straight, dear Lord, are you nuts?!) with three children,( one just-turned-2-year-old) and a plastic garbage bag of Easter delights.
So far my favorite memories are:
Harrison at first running AWAY from the water and waves and eventually running into them. And it was freeze-your-ass cold.
Convincing Cooper that a "mark" that he got on his foot after he noticed a bug landing on it, was actually a serious "tinger" bite. (this after he shot me down on the bug being a "shamalang ding dong" bug). Even though it didn't hurt now, he was in danger of his foot falling off after he fell asleep tonight. The only way to remedy that was to pee on his foot exactly 2 hours after he got bit. After he asked Eric, "do you really think that's true?" he replied, "I don't know but why take that chance?", he marched into MY shower (of course) and peed on his foot. I almost peed my pants watching the whole thing.
The smell of the kids after a full day in the hot tub!
So far my favorite memories are:
Harrison at first running AWAY from the water and waves and eventually running into them. And it was freeze-your-ass cold.
Convincing Cooper that a "mark" that he got on his foot after he noticed a bug landing on it, was actually a serious "tinger" bite. (this after he shot me down on the bug being a "shamalang ding dong" bug). Even though it didn't hurt now, he was in danger of his foot falling off after he fell asleep tonight. The only way to remedy that was to pee on his foot exactly 2 hours after he got bit. After he asked Eric, "do you really think that's true?" he replied, "I don't know but why take that chance?", he marched into MY shower (of course) and peed on his foot. I almost peed my pants watching the whole thing.
The smell of the kids after a full day in the hot tub!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
kind of overwhelmed
You should see my desk. No, maybe you shouldn't. I have all these grand plans but the follow-through is where I'm lacking.
I spend a lot of time READING blogs about decorating and organizing and getting in shape and meal planning. I pin all sorts of stuff to Pinterest that I like but I never really do anything about it.
I realized today after getting on the scale at my parent's that I have more like 20 pounds to lose. I weigh almost as much as I did 9 months pregnant with my first born. so depressing!
I do feel like I"m getting more accomplished lately, thanks to the never ending lists. I figured out I have daily to-do lists, master to-do list, project list, and post-it notes everywhere. I like to read about new ways to organize my lists when I should be actually DOING things on said lists instead.
so frustrated!
I spend a lot of time READING blogs about decorating and organizing and getting in shape and meal planning. I pin all sorts of stuff to Pinterest that I like but I never really do anything about it.
I realized today after getting on the scale at my parent's that I have more like 20 pounds to lose. I weigh almost as much as I did 9 months pregnant with my first born. so depressing!
I do feel like I"m getting more accomplished lately, thanks to the never ending lists. I figured out I have daily to-do lists, master to-do list, project list, and post-it notes everywhere. I like to read about new ways to organize my lists when I should be actually DOING things on said lists instead.
so frustrated!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
WTF Savers!
Oh my! An (almost) entire day to myself due to getting a great call to ask me if I wanted to stay home from work. Ummmm, let me think about it, yes!!!! (don't tell the hubby, he thinks I just got home from work, ha!) What to do
prolly should have napped, done laundry, read, got a manicure or cleaned the house but instead I went thrifting!!!
I stopped at Once Upon a Child tocon people to pay me for my junk sell my stuff, and they were having a sale. Everything that was on clearance was now 50c. That is my kind of sale. Not like some of those overpriced thrift stores. I'm looking at YOU Savers.
At my stop at overpriced Savers (they did not disappoint) I was hopeful to find some goodies even though their prices are ridick. What is the matter with them...this is a THRIFT that people DONATE items, which means you get your items FREE. Is it necessary to charge $59.99 for a used pair of cowboy boots?!! I think not. And then I found this:
Not going there anymore!
That is all...
prolly should have napped, done laundry, read, got a manicure or cleaned the house but instead I went thrifting!!!
I stopped at Once Upon a Child to
At my stop at overpriced Savers (they did not disappoint) I was hopeful to find some goodies even though their prices are ridick. What is the matter with them...this is a THRIFT that people DONATE items, which means you get your items FREE. Is it necessary to charge $59.99 for a used pair of cowboy boots?!! I think not. And then I found this:
Not going there anymore!
That is all...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Escaping the House but not the vomit
Husband and kids dropped me off at the airport for my trip. I was starting to feel a little sad since 10 days was a long time to be away from them, until they started fighting and crying and then it made things a little better. Harrison had just gotten over the vomiting, which Coop and Syd had before him. I was so happy to have escaped without getting it as well.
I had a burger and fries while waiting for my plane, BY MYSELF, and then went to the bathroom a couple times, just because I could do it BY MYSELF.
Boarded the plane for the 8 hour flight. I had magazines and my Kindle and my iPod and some Benadryl for sleep. I was ready. The first problem was that I couldn't figure out how to turn on the light to read. The light was way above my head and there was no way I could reach it. I certainly didn't want to ask because...what kind of idiot doesn't know how to turn on the overhead light?!!
t noticed the guy 2 seats away poking at the screen on the seat in front of him and his light came on so I played around with it for awhile and thought I knew what to do. Did you know you have choices of movies and TV shows and all sorts of other stuff to watch?! ME NEITHER!
Fast forward 4 hours into flight. I just wanted them to leave us alone so I could take my Benadryl in peace and sleep. First drinks, then dinner. Sheesh, just leave me alone. I already ate the burger and fries (of course I persevered and ate the pasta, roll, salad and brownie that I didn't have to prepare and no one bothered me while I ate it). My stomach seemed a little upset but I'm sure it was from flying in general and also having 2 full meals within 2 hours.
Opened the plastic bag for the blanket and pillow and tried to sleep.
Suddenly felt extremely hot and started taking off my clothes, then the awful feeling of knowing you're going to and cold and nausea and oh God, I need a puke bag right. this...second... where is it? where is it? Frantically looking through the seat pocket...Need help...poking at the it bag...looking around desperately and asking the old people across the aisle for a sick bag....they don't have one either!!! poke poke poke poke on the screen...grab the blanket bag and start to fill it up with the dinner I just ate
No one comes, no one comes....poke poke poke.....
maybe I'm done, I'll just knot this up and put it under my seat for one comes...the dude next to me still sleeping (I think, or just faking).
Finally someone comes just as I figure out its going to happen again. "oh, I thought someone else answered the call, sorry!, do you need me to find a medical professional?1"
Hahaha- lady I AM a medical professional, its just vomit, no need to be alarmed.
I fill another bag, she brings me ginger ale, the coldest washcloths on earth and 6 more bags. She's not fucking around with me!
Later I am recovering. The only good thing was that this all happened about 4 in the morning, most people on the plane were sleeping so I didn't draw too much attention to myself.
As I look around to find a pen to fill out my customs forms, the older couple look at me with wide-eyed fear..."Do you need another sick bag?", they ask. ummmm, you still don't have one so why are you asking, but no, just a pen, got one of those?!
I had a burger and fries while waiting for my plane, BY MYSELF, and then went to the bathroom a couple times, just because I could do it BY MYSELF.
Boarded the plane for the 8 hour flight. I had magazines and my Kindle and my iPod and some Benadryl for sleep. I was ready. The first problem was that I couldn't figure out how to turn on the light to read. The light was way above my head and there was no way I could reach it. I certainly didn't want to ask because...what kind of idiot doesn't know how to turn on the overhead light?!!
t noticed the guy 2 seats away poking at the screen on the seat in front of him and his light came on so I played around with it for awhile and thought I knew what to do. Did you know you have choices of movies and TV shows and all sorts of other stuff to watch?! ME NEITHER!
Fast forward 4 hours into flight. I just wanted them to leave us alone so I could take my Benadryl in peace and sleep. First drinks, then dinner. Sheesh, just leave me alone. I already ate the burger and fries (of course I persevered and ate the pasta, roll, salad and brownie that I didn't have to prepare and no one bothered me while I ate it). My stomach seemed a little upset but I'm sure it was from flying in general and also having 2 full meals within 2 hours.
Opened the plastic bag for the blanket and pillow and tried to sleep.
Suddenly felt extremely hot and started taking off my clothes, then the awful feeling of knowing you're going to and cold and nausea and oh God, I need a puke bag right. this...second... where is it? where is it? Frantically looking through the seat pocket...Need help...poking at the it bag...looking around desperately and asking the old people across the aisle for a sick bag....they don't have one either!!! poke poke poke poke on the screen...grab the blanket bag and start to fill it up with the dinner I just ate
No one comes, no one comes....poke poke poke.....
maybe I'm done, I'll just knot this up and put it under my seat for one comes...the dude next to me still sleeping (I think, or just faking).
Finally someone comes just as I figure out its going to happen again. "oh, I thought someone else answered the call, sorry!, do you need me to find a medical professional?1"
Hahaha- lady I AM a medical professional, its just vomit, no need to be alarmed.
I fill another bag, she brings me ginger ale, the coldest washcloths on earth and 6 more bags. She's not fucking around with me!
Later I am recovering. The only good thing was that this all happened about 4 in the morning, most people on the plane were sleeping so I didn't draw too much attention to myself.
As I look around to find a pen to fill out my customs forms, the older couple look at me with wide-eyed fear..."Do you need another sick bag?", they ask. ummmm, you still don't have one so why are you asking, but no, just a pen, got one of those?!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Did you hear...I'm going away on a trip, all by myself, for 10 days to London!!! and Scotland!!! to visit a newborn baby!!!! and just generally do nothing!!!!!!!
I'm sure you heard because I've been talking about it nonstop since I booked the tickets, no, probably before that even, possibly when it was still a nice dream that I had about doing those things.
I'm not going to worry about organizing or cleaning anything (except cute baby butts) or eating right. I'm just NOT.
I'm sure you heard because I've been talking about it nonstop since I booked the tickets, no, probably before that even, possibly when it was still a nice dream that I had about doing those things.
I'm not going to worry about organizing or cleaning anything (except cute baby butts) or eating right. I'm just NOT.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Mama bear
I had the kind of moment today that made my heart drop and eyes tear up and anger surge all at the same time. My oldest boy, my sensitive, first-born, made-me-a-mom child told me his teacher yells at him all the time.
Is this the same teacher that told me he was "a joy" to have in class, that she never has to worry about him, that he is so kind and helpful and in the highest reading group?
Is my child lying?
It started with me looking at his behavior chart for the week at school. On Friday, he "got on yellow" for excessive talking and not following directions. When I asked him about it, he immediately started crying and saying "it's not my fault, Mrs ___always yells at me, I wasn't doing anything wrong, I wish she weren't my teacher."
Deep breath
Lecture about how we can't like everyone all the time and there are good and bad teachers who have good and bad days, just like us. In my head, my claws are out...
Talking about being an advocate and what that word means and how I will ALWAYS be his advocate and I will talk to his teacher on Monday. Coop replied "Can you do it before then because she will yell at me again before you talk to her?"
I want to cry and scream and spray paint mean things on her house and bite her for being mean to my baby.
Instead, I gather him in my arms and tell him I love him, that I will fix it for him, that he can always come to me for help or just to talk.
But CAN I fix it?
When you first look into your newborn's eyes, you know you will do anything to protect them. And now it begins. I can teach him to be nice, how to read, how to play baseball, how to do multiplication, but I cannot protect him from all the bad things that he will experience. It is a terrible feeling.
Is this the same teacher that told me he was "a joy" to have in class, that she never has to worry about him, that he is so kind and helpful and in the highest reading group?
Is my child lying?
It started with me looking at his behavior chart for the week at school. On Friday, he "got on yellow" for excessive talking and not following directions. When I asked him about it, he immediately started crying and saying "it's not my fault, Mrs ___always yells at me, I wasn't doing anything wrong, I wish she weren't my teacher."
Deep breath
Lecture about how we can't like everyone all the time and there are good and bad teachers who have good and bad days, just like us. In my head, my claws are out...
Talking about being an advocate and what that word means and how I will ALWAYS be his advocate and I will talk to his teacher on Monday. Coop replied "Can you do it before then because she will yell at me again before you talk to her?"
I want to cry and scream and spray paint mean things on her house and bite her for being mean to my baby.
Instead, I gather him in my arms and tell him I love him, that I will fix it for him, that he can always come to me for help or just to talk.
But CAN I fix it?
When you first look into your newborn's eyes, you know you will do anything to protect them. And now it begins. I can teach him to be nice, how to read, how to play baseball, how to do multiplication, but I cannot protect him from all the bad things that he will experience. It is a terrible feeling.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Wet head
Harrison walked up to me with wet hands in his wet hair.
I deduced the following:
1. his hands and head are wet
2. he came from the bathroom
3. he can't reach the faucet in the bathroom
4. he thought it was funny
Toilet water head= not funny!
I deduced the following:
1. his hands and head are wet
2. he came from the bathroom
3. he can't reach the faucet in the bathroom
4. he thought it was funny
Toilet water head= not funny!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Those of you who know me, know that I love to read. I have an ongoing HUGE list of books I want to read on my iPhone in my notes section. My book club peeps think its hilarious. I know I will never get through them all since I just keep adding more weekly but its nice to have there just in case I don't have something new to read (yeah, right!!)
Today, I went to put yet another book on the list that I read a review for and my list was....
Really, its nowhere. I still have the list of my kids heights and weights and websites of the kind of loveseat I want in my living room but the most important notes are no longer there. How am I going to recreate this list?!! I'm having heart palpitations just thinking of it, and how on earth did I delete it??!! I'm blaming the baby for this one.
While I'm on depressing topics, I guess I should review my goals and how I'm doing with them.
I've started in the kitchen and I really have cleaned all the drawers out and reorganized all of them. This weekend I'm working on the fridge and freezer. Its not perfect but it is sooo much better than it was. I get easily overwhelmed about how awful the rest of the house is so I'm trying to keep it to one area at a time. I may need to do little 15 minute "rescues" in the other rooms too. The timer thing has stopped so I need to restart that and also start with doable lists for the days and weeks. Also the electrician has not called back!!
Hired a decorator and friend to help make a decision on a new rug in the kitchen, which will lead to new window treatments. Also hoping for a new kitchen table and chairs but hubby is blocking this one. the rug decision has taken longer than expected for various reasons, mostly because I can't MAKE A DECISION TO SAVE MY LIFE.
Chore Chart
Ideas but nothing yet. It is on my weekly list of things to do (see how well that's going?!)
Lose 10 pounds
Ummmmm, yeah. I've probably gained a couple. FAIL!!!
More homemade dinners
Meal planning is non existent so far but I have gathered several recipes that I would like to try and I did make a meal in the crockpot tonight that both big kids told me was good. It's a start!
Today, I went to put yet another book on the list that I read a review for and my list was....
Really, its nowhere. I still have the list of my kids heights and weights and websites of the kind of loveseat I want in my living room but the most important notes are no longer there. How am I going to recreate this list?!! I'm having heart palpitations just thinking of it, and how on earth did I delete it??!! I'm blaming the baby for this one.
While I'm on depressing topics, I guess I should review my goals and how I'm doing with them.
I've started in the kitchen and I really have cleaned all the drawers out and reorganized all of them. This weekend I'm working on the fridge and freezer. Its not perfect but it is sooo much better than it was. I get easily overwhelmed about how awful the rest of the house is so I'm trying to keep it to one area at a time. I may need to do little 15 minute "rescues" in the other rooms too. The timer thing has stopped so I need to restart that and also start with doable lists for the days and weeks. Also the electrician has not called back!!
Hired a decorator and friend to help make a decision on a new rug in the kitchen, which will lead to new window treatments. Also hoping for a new kitchen table and chairs but hubby is blocking this one. the rug decision has taken longer than expected for various reasons, mostly because I can't MAKE A DECISION TO SAVE MY LIFE.
Chore Chart
Ideas but nothing yet. It is on my weekly list of things to do (see how well that's going?!)
Lose 10 pounds
Ummmmm, yeah. I've probably gained a couple. FAIL!!!
More homemade dinners
Meal planning is non existent so far but I have gathered several recipes that I would like to try and I did make a meal in the crockpot tonight that both big kids told me was good. It's a start!
Monday, January 23, 2012
grocery list
Here is the grocery list I keep on the fridge. Looks pretty normal until you get down the page a little further....umm, what is that 6th item?!!
I had to ask the one who put it there, and then I found out that it said "regular chocolate". We could do so much with that, but I'll leave you to your own jokes. Love.her.
![]() |
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Girl scout cookie time
It is my first year of selling Girl Scout cookies since I was a girl scout.
It is so cute how excited she is about the prospects. When I asked her what her goal should be she said," 100 boxes". When I pointed out that she had sold 40 already on the first day (thanks to me taking it to work) she upped it to 200...ambitious. She was also super mad that I wouldn't go out with her to go door to door selling because Harrison was sleeping and daddy wasn't home yet...The NERVE! WHY COULDN'T I JUST LEAVE HARRISON...he's SLEEPING, he's not going anywhere!!!
Then the cutest thing happened, she asked me if I wanted to buy any, daddy if he wanted to buy any (names recorded on the order sheet as "mom grill" and "dad grill"), and if Coop wanted to buy any. It was an interesting negotiation that went something like this:
Syd: would you like to buy some cookies? We have treefoils, cinnamints (thin mints), samoans (like the people from Samoa, or the cookie type samoas, take your pick), dooseedoos (do-si-dos), tagons (tagalongs) or Savannah smilies
Coop: ummm, ok. How much are they?
S: They are $3.50 for one box.
C: How much for 2?
S: I think $10
C: Oh, that's kind of a lot, I'll take 3 for $10 and I'll go get my money right now.
As I was on the floor laughing, he went up and took $10 out of his bank. I didn't realize he HAD $10 in his bank. I explained the multiples of $3.50 and he decided on 2 boxes. Syd recorded his name on the sheet and then started to write his address and phone number in, AS IF WE DON'T KNOW WHERE HE LIVES. so. cute!
It is so cute how excited she is about the prospects. When I asked her what her goal should be she said," 100 boxes". When I pointed out that she had sold 40 already on the first day (thanks to me taking it to work) she upped it to 200...ambitious. She was also super mad that I wouldn't go out with her to go door to door selling because Harrison was sleeping and daddy wasn't home yet...The NERVE! WHY COULDN'T I JUST LEAVE HARRISON...he's SLEEPING, he's not going anywhere!!!
Then the cutest thing happened, she asked me if I wanted to buy any, daddy if he wanted to buy any (names recorded on the order sheet as "mom grill" and "dad grill"), and if Coop wanted to buy any. It was an interesting negotiation that went something like this:
Syd: would you like to buy some cookies? We have treefoils, cinnamints (thin mints), samoans (like the people from Samoa, or the cookie type samoas, take your pick), dooseedoos (do-si-dos), tagons (tagalongs) or Savannah smilies
Coop: ummm, ok. How much are they?
S: They are $3.50 for one box.
C: How much for 2?
S: I think $10
C: Oh, that's kind of a lot, I'll take 3 for $10 and I'll go get my money right now.
As I was on the floor laughing, he went up and took $10 out of his bank. I didn't realize he HAD $10 in his bank. I explained the multiples of $3.50 and he decided on 2 boxes. Syd recorded his name on the sheet and then started to write his address and phone number in, AS IF WE DON'T KNOW WHERE HE LIVES. so. cute!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I'm baaaack, goals, and other random life things
Made it through the holidays intact. I have read that if you write your goals down, you are more likely to achieve them. So here goes!!
1. Get my house organized.
I know I say this every year but this year I really mean it and I've started with the hardest desk in the kitchen. I read the book "Eat that Frog" or some such crazy title and it has really gotten me motivated to take on my hardest/most bang for your buck tasks first. I also am a crazy organizational blog follower. If only I could do as they do! I am also following a blog that is issuing a 52 week organizational challenge and that is helpful.
Some things I have already incorporated in my day to help achieve this goal:
a. I set a timer to do things (mostly 30 minutes max) and I have to stay on task for that entire time.
b. Make of list of daily and weekly goals (before bed every night)
c. Take one area at a first. Now, if only the contractor/electrician would call me back, then I would be really happy!!
2 Get my house decorated. This goes along with #1 but I'm frustrated going to other people's houses and seeing their nice decor. We have lived here 5 years and the only thing redone has been carpet in one room (thanks to the cat who likes to pee there) and the powder room (which I said would be the FIRST thing that would go when we bought the place...4.5 years later, I really did get it done)
3. Have some sort of chore chart thing for the kids...still considering this. Should it be related to allowance (they don't get any at this point) or just as a privilege of living here. As we like to say in this house, "This is not a democracy".
4. Lose 10 pounds. I have no one to blame but myself for this. I eat like crap and don't work out. I am still considering what my plans are for this to be achieved. Maybe join a gym, personal training, or just stop drinking so much Pepsi (no, couldn't do that last one...). Maybe just use that shake weight that my hubby got me for Christmas (really, not joking!)
5. Make more meals for the family/menu plan. This won't be too hard as I make about 2-3 meals a YEAR right now. I'm trying to avoid last minute problems when kids have activities late and trying to eat better. I am very thankful that Eric cooks almost every night and loves doing so but I think it may be time to suck it up and help. Crockpot meals are the first to be researched. If anyone actually reads this, send me a favorite (and easy) recipe of yours, crockpot or not.
I think those goals are not so different than most other peoples but I am making a plan for each one of them. I have already been working on the top 2 and hopefully will share my achievements as I go.
I also received a wonderful gift of a macbook from the hubs. I'm still trying to figure it mail isn't being forwarded to the cloud and other little things. I may have to break down and pay $50/hour for someone to sit down with me to help. Again, see #1 above, its amazing what I can accomplish in 30 minutes or an hour of concentrating on just one thing.
Ready, set.....go!
Happy 2012!!
1. Get my house organized.
I know I say this every year but this year I really mean it and I've started with the hardest desk in the kitchen. I read the book "Eat that Frog" or some such crazy title and it has really gotten me motivated to take on my hardest/most bang for your buck tasks first. I also am a crazy organizational blog follower. If only I could do as they do! I am also following a blog that is issuing a 52 week organizational challenge and that is helpful.
Some things I have already incorporated in my day to help achieve this goal:
a. I set a timer to do things (mostly 30 minutes max) and I have to stay on task for that entire time.
b. Make of list of daily and weekly goals (before bed every night)
c. Take one area at a first. Now, if only the contractor/electrician would call me back, then I would be really happy!!
2 Get my house decorated. This goes along with #1 but I'm frustrated going to other people's houses and seeing their nice decor. We have lived here 5 years and the only thing redone has been carpet in one room (thanks to the cat who likes to pee there) and the powder room (which I said would be the FIRST thing that would go when we bought the place...4.5 years later, I really did get it done)
3. Have some sort of chore chart thing for the kids...still considering this. Should it be related to allowance (they don't get any at this point) or just as a privilege of living here. As we like to say in this house, "This is not a democracy".
4. Lose 10 pounds. I have no one to blame but myself for this. I eat like crap and don't work out. I am still considering what my plans are for this to be achieved. Maybe join a gym, personal training, or just stop drinking so much Pepsi (no, couldn't do that last one...). Maybe just use that shake weight that my hubby got me for Christmas (really, not joking!)
5. Make more meals for the family/menu plan. This won't be too hard as I make about 2-3 meals a YEAR right now. I'm trying to avoid last minute problems when kids have activities late and trying to eat better. I am very thankful that Eric cooks almost every night and loves doing so but I think it may be time to suck it up and help. Crockpot meals are the first to be researched. If anyone actually reads this, send me a favorite (and easy) recipe of yours, crockpot or not.
I think those goals are not so different than most other peoples but I am making a plan for each one of them. I have already been working on the top 2 and hopefully will share my achievements as I go.
I also received a wonderful gift of a macbook from the hubs. I'm still trying to figure it mail isn't being forwarded to the cloud and other little things. I may have to break down and pay $50/hour for someone to sit down with me to help. Again, see #1 above, its amazing what I can accomplish in 30 minutes or an hour of concentrating on just one thing.
Ready, set.....go!
Happy 2012!!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
out of the dark ages
Quickly blogging away on my new Christmas present from the hubby, a MacBook air!! Now if I could only figure the thing out. Trying to figure out how to get my pictures on here. It is a sloooooow learning curve.
My other gift...
wait for it...
Shake weight!!!
My other gift...
wait for it...
Shake weight!!!
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